A priority for studying in good conditions: taking care of your physical and mental health


The university student health service (SSE)

The university student health service (SSE) provides medical, psychological and social support to help you study with greater peace of mind

As a doctoral student, you have access to the university health service (SSE). You will be welcomed at its five sites and supported throughout your studies
You can have a preventive check-up, make an appointment for a consultation on any medical, gynaecological, psychological, dietary or social issue or problem, get advice on your health, update a vaccination, obtain a medical certificate or adapt your studies to a disability
Treatment and reimbursement are free of charge, on presentation of an up-to-date ‘carte vitale’ (French national health insurance card) (or certificate) and a certificate from any mutual insurance company

You are a contract PhD student at U Lille

The occupational health service carries out occupational health actions, with the aim of preserving the physical and mental health of students throughout their career.
Different types of support are available


  •     Medical check-ups (for the first one after recruitment, periodic, on request, occasional at the employer's request, pre-recruitment check-up after a long break to prepare my return to work so as to create the best possible conditions for my return)
  •     Ergonomist visits to your place of work, as part of a workstation reorganisation or organisational review
  •     Organisation of prevention campaigns - registration required
  •     Interview with the occupational health psychologist


Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm without interruption (excluding periods of closure linked to teaching breaks).


  •     Cité scientifique campus - avenue Poincaré (near building M1) - Cité scientifique 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq
  •     Campus Moulins/Ronchin - 125, bd d'Alsace, 59024 Lille
  •     Campus Santé - Faculté de médecine pôle formation - avenue Eugène Avinée 59120 Loos
  •     Pont-de-bois Campus Maison de l'étudiant - Bât. A, entrance A8 - rue du barreau 59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq
  •     Roubaix/Tourcoing Campus - IMMD/LEA branch - 651 avenue des Nations Unis 59100 Roubaix
Services Urgences

How can we look after our mental health? What are the warning signs? Where can I go for help?

Understanding mental disorders. How can they be treated? Where can I find help?

If you are in distress and/or have suicidal thoughts, or if you want to help someone who is suffering, you can contact the national suicide prevention number, 3114.
You will find a free, confidential helpline for people with suicidal thoughts, people worried about a loved one, people bereaved by suicide, healthcare professionals in need of specialist advice from care professionals trained in suicide prevention.
SOS help is a support line for the international community in France, free and anonymous service, by trained volunteers: 01 46 21 46 46 (7/7 3PM-11PM)


If you are a doctoral student, you need to be aware of these situations:

  •     Be aware of the different opening and closing times of the various components, laboratories and shared services
  •     Avoid working alone. Your laboratories are responsible for the correct application of the instructions for managing lone worker situations in force on the site where they are located

In hot weather:

  •     Drink water regularly without waiting until you are thirsty, cool your face and forearms several times a day, eat enough food and avoid physical exertion
  •     You are authorised to increase the frequency of breaks in order to apply the recommendations of preventive medicine
  •     With the agreement of your line manager and subject to service requirements, if you are exposed to very hot weather, you may adjust your working hours and leave your workstation before the usual end of shift time, provided you have given notice

Screen work :

Guide ‘Travailler sur écrans’ - 2023 edition

For doctoral students at U Lille, for any questions relating to the administrative management of your health at work, such as leave for health reasons, professional illness or accident, please contact :

Service de la gestion administrative de la santé au travail - drh-sante-travail(a)univ-lille.fr

Head of the Occupational Health Administrative Management Department
Tel: 03 62 26 95 55

Occupational health manager for staff on the Cité Scientifique campus
Tel: 03 20 41 60 90

Vigipirate plan :

  •     The university applies the instructions of the Vigipirate plan, which is at the emergency attack level
  •     Report any suspicious behaviour or objects, especially at the entrances to research units protected by restricted zones

For business trips abroad:

  •     For all business trips planned to countries at risk, i.e. classified partially or entirely by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs as ‘enhanced vigilance’ or as a ‘no-go zone unless there is an imperative reason to do so and which require the opinion of the Defence Security Officer (FSD), requests must be sent to the FSD in advance
  •     This procedure does not replace the instructions on the travel authorisation request form, but must be carried out at the same time