How to Apply for an HDR

In order to schedule your HDR defence in the current academic year, you must submit your application file to the doctoral school. This file should include a letter from a research director of the I-SITE ULNE or a member of the EEA who will act as your guarantor. For applicants from outside I-SITE ULNE, the guarantor must be a staff member of I-SITE ULNE

You must also submit a portfolio showcasing your ability to independently and uniquely approach research within your scientific field

To apply for an HDR you will need to follow this procedure:

  • Complete the application form, and submit it to your guarantor and the research group director for approval and signature
  • Send the application by email to: sec-edsmre(a)
  • The doctoral school will transfer the file, with their detailed opinion, to the university's doctoral affairs department
  • The doctoral school will bring the application and the opinion to the Scientific Council during the next meeting
  • Upon receiving the Scientific Council's opinion, complete the annual registration procedure at your future degree-granting institution through the doctoral affairs department

What Documents to Attach to Your Application (In Accordance With the 1988 Regulation) :

There are three external members :

  • at least two of whom must hold an HDR and be from outside the institution
  • the institution may invite external members from foreign higher education or research institutions (subject to approval by the doctoral school).

The jury is appointed by the head of the institution after consultation with the director of the doctoral school. The jury must consist of :

  • at least five members selected from the teaching staff holding an HDR in public higher education institutions, as well as directors and senior researchers in public scientific and technological institutions ;
  • at least half of the members must be French or foreign citizens from outside the institution, recognised for their scientific expertise ;
  • at least half must hold a title of a professor or equivalent

Your application must comply with the following criteria specific to ED SMRE :

  • Your postdoctoral research activity must be supported by a sufficient number of scientific publications: at least ten of them appearing in international peer-reviewed journals, in addition to those related to the thesis
  • You must be featured in most of these publications as the first, second, penultimate or last author
  • You must have experience with independent research, including taking on responsibility for or actively participating in funded research projects
  • You must have experience supervising at least one defended thesis and supervising students in the Second Year of their master's degree
  • This supervisory experience must be demonstrated by the participation of the supervised young researchers in various publications or patents
  • All candidates for the HDR must have undergone training in ethics and scientific integrity before recruiting their first doctoral student (approved by the Graduate School Council on 15 December 2023)