Defending an HDR

Applications must be submitted at least two months before the date of the oral presentation, following the University of Lille procedure described in this downloadable guide (in French, PDF, 384 kB)

The Rules Governing the Composition of the Jury (in accordance with Article 6 of the 1988 Regulation) :

  • The jury is appointed by the President of the institution
  • At least five members must be selected from the teaching staff holding an HDR in public higher education institutions, as well as directors and senior researchers in public scientific and technological institutions. At least half of the members must be French or foreign citizens from outside the institution, recognised for their scientific expertise
  • At least half must hold a title of a professor or equivalent
  • The jury appoints a chair and two members from outside the institution

The oral presentation of the work is open to the public; however, if the subject of the work so requires, the institution's President may take any necessary steps to protect its confidentiality
As a candidate, you will present all your work to the jury, giving rise to a discussion with the jury
The jury examines the candidate's merits, assesses their ability to conceive, conduct, organise and coordinate research and development activities and determines whether or not to award them with a habilitation degree
After obtaining the opinions of the jury members, the Chair draws up a report
This report is countersigned by all the jury members and then forwarded to the candidate. Any person holding an HDR may consult it
 Upon receipt of these documents, the doctoral affairs department issues a temporary HDR degree certificate

Contact the Doctoral Affairs and HDR Department

Head of Department: Hélène Selosse
Email: helene.selosse(a)

Assistant to the Head of Department: Céline Delohen
Email: celine.delohen(a)

Don't forget to send your registration for the HDR to your institution's Education Department

Specific Provisions Relating to the Covid-19 Pandemic :


HDR defences should be conducted in person or in a semi-formal setting, without an audience, following the rules of conduct in effect at the university. This complies with the standard regulations outlined in the French Order of 25 May 2016

  • At the examination venue, the candidate and all the jury members are present in person
  • At least the doctoral candidate and the jury Chair are present at the examination venue, with some or all other members present via videoconference.

The French Order of 27 October 2020 can allow the defence of a thesis to be conducted via videoconference in exceptional circumstances and under certain conditions. See the framework note (in French, Word, 48 kB)

Documents required :