International Joint Doctoral Thesis
![[Translate to English:] Photo - Illustration - maison internationale université de Lille [Translate to English:] Photo - Illustration - maison internationale université de Lille](/fileadmin/_processed_/7/6/csm_maison-internationale-1170x585_3c776ab152.jpg)
It enables a thesis to be carried out in two separate institutions, in two countries. You commit to spend at least 12 months in each country. You carry out your work under the supervision and responsibility of a thesis supervisor in each country concerned. This program promotes scientific cooperation between French and foreign research teams by encouraging mobility among doctoral candidates
An international joint thesis supervision entitles the doctoral candidate to certain benefits, such as :
- A double diploma: you obtain one diploma from each university, from each country
- Proficiency in the local language is guaranteed, as is an in-depth understanding of both cultures and the research process in both countries
- An international network of scientists
- An image on an international doctor with prospects for an international career
For all these reasons, theses with joint supervision are largely sought after by recruiters in both academic research and industry
The Interregional Internationalisation Initiative University Network (3i Network)

The Interregional Internationalisation Initiative University Network (3i Network) is a collaboration founded by the Ghent University, KU Leuven, the University of Kent and the University of Lille
The main objective of the network is to bring together universities, regional governments and the private sector/civil society to work on challenges common to Flanders, Kent and Hauts-de-France
Several co-supervised theses have already been defended - Read the testimonies of Sandy Al Bacha and François Monnet, PhDs from the GS SMRE
How to Apply for Joint Supervision at the GS SMRE
How to Apply for Joint Supervision - Tutorial (in French, PDF, 389 KB)
STEP 1: The candidate's application for an international joint supervision agreement is approved. The future doctoral candidate's application must be validated by the graduate school
No application can be processed until this validation is complete. Please contact the doctoral school Admin Office for more details regarding the application procedure
Application to set up an international thesis joint supervision agreement (in French, Word doc, 1.08 MB)
STEP 2: Request the school's model agreement and fill out the document
(Draft versions - Joint Supervision (in French, Word doc, 65 kB) and Technical Appendix (in French, Word doc, 42 kB) for the University of Lille)
IMPORTANT: It is preferable to use the model provided by the doctoral school. However, a partner university may wish to use its own model agreement. In this case, please contact the joint supervision manager directly
International thesis joint supervision is governed by the Order of 25 May 2016 (articles 20 to 23).
Joint Supervision Presentation Sheet (PDF, 1.18 MB) by Campus France
2021-2022 Statistics on Thesis Joint Supervision at the University of Lille (PDF, 253 kB)
(survey carried out by the University's International Relations Department)
Interested in Joint Supervision for your Thesis?
Identify the primary contacts who can assist you with your decision, such as your thesis supervisor, lab, international house, and doctoral school. If you choose to proceed with joint supervision, they will become your invaluable partners
If you are a French or foreign student considering a joint supervision program in collaboration with your home university, you can count on the ED SMRE coordinator and institution contacts to assist you with the process
You can start by exploring this page
Any questions? Contact the school's Admin Office at: sec-edsmre(a)
International Joint Supervision - Profiles
School Contact References
- International Mobility Department (DMI) at the University of Lille: tifany.fournel(a)
- Centrale Lille Institute:
- IMT Nord Europe: