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Graduate school
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Graduate School
Ouvrir le sous menu de Graduate School
Mission Statement
How to get to GS SMRE
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Graduate School Council
Doctoral Studies Directorate
Doctoral Affairs Departments in our Institutions
Laboratories liked to the Graduatel School
Skills and professions targeted
Statutory Texts
List of Current Students
List of Graduates
High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCÉRES)
Study at GS SMRE
Ouvrir le sous menu de Study at GS SMRE
Open Applications
Applying for a Doctorate
International Joint Doctoral Thesis
Doctorate as a form of Recognition of Prior Learning (VAE)
Prepare your Arrival
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The Region and campuses
Euraxess - International House: Reception of mobile doctoral students and teacher-researchers
Residence permit
During Your Doctoral Studies
Ouvrir le sous menu de During Your Doctoral Studies
Doctoral Training
Additional Assignments
Doctorate Thesis Submission Steps
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Renewing your Registration
Individual Examining Committee (CSI)
International Mobility
Gap Year (Césure)
Thesis Defence Procedure
European Doctorate Label
Following Your Graduation
Ouvrir le sous menu de Following Your Graduation
Your Future Career as a Doctor
Doctoral Candidates and Alumni Network
Career Prospects
Thesis Awards
Statutory Instruments
Thesis Management and Supervision
Ouvrir le sous menu de Thesis Management and Supervision
Application for Thesis Supervision Without a Habilitation Degree (HDR)
Habilitation Degree (HDR)
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How to Apply for an HDR
Registering for an HDR
Defending an HDR
Statutory Instruments
Training of Supervisors
Help & support
Ouvrir le sous menu de Help & support
Studies and disability
Grants and Other Financial and Material Assistance
GS SMRE Directory
Graduate School
Mission Statement
How to get to GS SMRE
Graduate School Council
Doctoral Studies Directorate
Doctoral Affairs Departments in our Institutions
Laboratories liked to the Graduatel School
Skills and professions targeted
Statutory Texts
List of Current Students
List of Graduates
High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCÉRES)
Graduate School
List of Current Students
List of Current Students
See the list of current students