Application for Thesis Supervision Without a Habilitation Degree (HDR)

At université de Lille and l'IMT Nord-Europe, there is a transitional derogatory procedure which allows non-HDR researchers/teacher-researchers to independently supervise or co-supervise a doctoral thesis while awaiting habilitation
Following the approval of the Graduate School Council on 15 December 2023, any candidate for a directorship or co-directorship without a HDR must have undergone training in ethics and scientific integrity before recruiting his or her first doctoral student


Applications for supervision:
A permanent member of the research groups at the University of Lille, holding a doctorate and having received national or international selective funding, including thesis funding from institutions such as the French National Agency for Research (ANR), the Young Researchers' Programme (JCJC), the European Research Council (ERC), European projects, Chairs, etc., will need to submit a request to become habilitated

Applications for assisted supervision - Must be with a habilitated member of University of Lille staff

  • A permanent member of the research groups at the University of Lille, holding a doctorate, who wishes to co-supervise a thesis with a habilitated staff member of the University of Lille, will need to submit a request to become habilitated
  • A person from outside of the academic world, a doctor, under the Industrial Agreement for Training through Research (CIFRE) agreement
  • A doctor from a foreign university, not a full professor, who is a member of a research unit at the University of Lille and whose stay covers at least the duration of the thesis. In this case, it is advisable to apply for the French National University Council (CNU) qualification to obtain HDR equivalence
  • A member of the University of Lille staff on secondment (professor, lecturer or equivalent), holding a doctorate, who no longer falls under the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research

Applications must be submitted to the Scientific Council and the Commission for Education and University Life (CS-CFVU) on a restricted basis, with the same intervals as applications for authorisation to register as an HDR (on average, every two months)
Candidates must submit their applications to the doctoral school one month before the CS-CFVU meeting
The school must send complete applications to the doctoral affairs department no later than 10 days before the CS-CFVU meeting
The authorisation granted will be valid only for supervising or co-supervising the thesis for which the application is made

Application form

  •  Detailed CV
  •  Letter of motivation to become a thesis supervisor or co-supervisor
  •  Description of the thesis project and, if selective funding is involved, supporting documents
  •  Reasoned opinion from the director of the relevant research group and the doctoral school
  •  Reasoned opinion of the habilitated thesis supervisor in the case of assisted supervision
  •  List of publications
  •  Reasoned opinion from the employer for people from outside of the academic world (bound by the CIFRE agreement):
  •  Agreement between the University of Lille and the employer for people on secondment

Note and Application from the University of Lille