Thesis Awards

Thesis awards are given to recognise the excellence of recently defended theses
The following are some possible thesis awards :


The André Prudhomme Award is destined for young researchers who have defended a doctoral thesis in the field of atmospheric and climate sciences. It was created by the Météo et Climat association in 1992 to honour the memory of André Prudhomme, a former engineer at Météo-France

Eligible fields:
Meteorology - Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry - Palaeoclimatology - Climatology (including oceanography). A thesis in planetology is only eligible if it has an explicit link with processes concerning the Earth's atmospheric or oceanic systems

The thesis must have been defended at a French university or doctoral school in 2022 or 2023
Applications may be submitted for two consecutive years
The winner is granted the honour to publish an article outlining the main points of their work in La Météorologie, the scientific journal of Météo et Climat

How to apply for the 2024 award :

  • Submit your application before 1 February 2024 on a download platform and send us the link by email

The application should include :

One paper copy of your thesis to be sent by post, addressed to Météo et Climat, 73 avenue de Paris, 94165 Saint-Mandé CEDEX

The final decision about the award will be announced in spring 2024.
The winner will be presented with a €1,800 cash prize awarded in early 2025, during a ceremony at the end of which they will be able to present their thesis

The Xavier-Bernard Foundation, known for its exceptional service to the public, has established an annual prize of €3,000 to reward the authors of the best research work that — in line with the innovative spirit of its founder — contributes to the sustainable development of agriculture in line with society's expectations in terms of food, economy, and environment.
Application : Information not yet available at the time of publication
More information:
Contact : +33 (0)1 47 05 10 37

In order to meet the major challenge of doubling the number of Deeptech startups in France, the French Government has introduced the i-PhD competition in partnership with Bpifrance as part of the Deeptech Plan. The goal is to recognise and support budding researchers who are working on innovative projects that involve game-changing technologies.
Prize: The winners of i-PhD will be awarded with both individual and group support for a period of 12 months.
Application: until 29 March 2024
More information:


The French National Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics awards prizes to encourage research in their domain. Each year, they present one or two awards along with a couple of certificates of merit to young researchers who have demonstrated exceptional skills in presenting and defending their theses. The theses can be theoretical or applied and should showcase their potential benefits, be it economic, operational or societal
More information:
Contact: and
Submit your applications to: and

The French Association for Artificial Intelligence established an annual thesis award in 2009 to acknowledge and promote outstanding research work by young researchers in the field of AI. The award is presented every year.
The nominated thesis must have been defended in France in 2022, and the AFIA 2023 membership fee must be paid up to date.
Grand award: €1,000
Results: between 3 and 7 July 2023
Application: 31 January 2023
More information :


The thesis award presented by the French Committee for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics (CFMS) is intended to recognise the author of the best doctoral thesis completed in a French institution every two years. The thesis should focus on subjects related to CFMS, such as research directly or indirectly related to soil mechanics and geotechnics, as well as specific techniques related to construction involving the ground
The prize includes a diploma, a €2,000 cash prize, and support for expenses (such as tickets, accommodation, and registration) to attend the awards ceremony
Only theses defended during the calendar years 2021-2022 are eligible. Ideally, the thesis defence should have been announced on the website of the Revue Française de Géotechnique. There is no age limit
Application: the closing date for applications is 31 January 2023
More information:
Contact: president-cfmsgeotechniqueorg

The SFM will present three thesis awards to young doctors in microbiology aged under 35 who defended their university theses between June 2023 and June 2024
These thesis awards will be presented to six finalists selected by the SFM Scientific Committee based on applications received by 28 June 2024.
Prize: The three winners with the best papers will receive the SFM 2024 thesis award, which includes a €1,000 cash prize
Application: to be submitted before 28 June 2024
More information:
Contact: secretariatsfm-microbiologieorg

The French Neutronics Society is presenting its thesis award of €1,500 to a doctoral candidate who has used neutron scattering as part of his or her thesis work
The award is presented for high-quality thesis work in which neutron scattering makes a decisive contribution.  The thesis award includes an invitation to present the thesis at the next Neutron Scattering Days (JDN)
Application: Information not yet available at the time of publication
More information:
Contact: denis.morineauuniv-rennes1fr

The Oceanographic Institute and the Albert I Prince of Monaco Foundation aim to enhance understanding and safeguarding of the oceans across various groups. They also serve as a bridge between scientists, civil society, the general public, policymakers, and the media. In 2013, the Oceanographic Institute established a thesis award alongside the Albert I Great Medal in two sections: Mediation and Science
The thesis award, worth €5,000, is awarded each year to a young researcher to help them kickstart their career. The award will be presented at a prestigious ceremony in 2026 at the Oceanographic Museum in Paris or Monaco
The Oceanographic Institute is launching a wide-ranging call for applications from institutions that train doctors in disciplines related to the sea and ocean, including Natural Sciences, the Environment, Law, Geography, History, etc
More information:

Please be reminded that the application needs to be submitted in digital format by 19 July 2024 to: It should include the completed application form containing the following details:1. An extensive CV, not exceeding two pages, with a detailed chronology.2. Evaluation reports from the two external thesis examiners prior to the thesis defense.3. The dated thesis defence report.4. A list and abstracts of dated publications (distinguishing between those directly related to the thesis and other publications).5. An electronic copy of the thesis or a downloadable link.

The Young Researcher Awards (Saint-Gobain, Daniel Guinier, Claudine Hermann and Réné Pellat Awards) are presented to a young doctoral candidate who recently defended their thesis

  • SAINT-GOBAIN AWARD: This award is presented to a student who defended a higher education diploma or thesis in the past year. The Saint-Gobain Young Researchers Award has been presented to young doctors since 1995
  • DANIEL GUINIER AWARD: This award was established on 8 December 1959 following a decision of the SFP Council, as well as the suggestion of Professor Guinier and his wife to honour the memory of their son, who died unexpectedly that same year
  • The Daniel Guinier Award is presented to a student who defended a higher education diploma or thesis in the past year
  • CLAUDINE HERMANN AWARD: The Claudine Hermann Award has been presented every year since 2022, following a recommendation of the Division of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP), to two young researchers, with at least one being a woman. It rewards the quality of their thesis work in condensed matter physics.
  • It is named after a highly talented physicist who taught at the École Polytechnique from 1992 to 2005 and was a strong advocate for women in science
  • RENÉ PELLAT AWARD: The award in the Plasma Physics thematic division is named after a distinguished scientist who served as a director of the CNRS, the CNES, and the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, as well as an exceptional teacher. It is awarded annually by the SFP on the recommendation of the Division of Plasma Physics (DPP). It is awarded to a young researcher who has made exemplary contributions to the field of plasma physics, encompassing hot, cold, and natural plasmas. The award recognises work of both fundamental and applied significance. Along with the award, the winner will receive a check and an invitation to present their work at the Divisional Conference following the award presentation
  • The award criteria include the candidate's intrinsic quality, originality of work, scientific contribution, and scientific or applied extensions of the study

Application: to be submitted until 1 March 2024

More information:


The French Union for Science and Glass Technology presents a yearly thesis award to a young researcher who has completed their doctoral thesis in a French doctoral school in one of the fields of glass science. This includes fundamental or applied research work ranging from research on materials (chemistry, physics, engineering sciences) to the sciences of the Universe
More information:


Eligible candidates must have their administrative residence in France and be employed, on a permanent or contract basis, in a research laboratory, group or team located within French public higher education and research establishments when submitting their application. They should have defended their thesis less than seven years ago and have an outstanding research career, demonstrated by publications and contributions to scientific events

The award is valued at €20,000, and the winner will be invited to give a public lecture at the Collège de France on their work. Applications will be accepted from 1 March to 30 April 2024, exclusively through electronic submission

The 2024 jury, consisting of four professors from the Collège de France and one external member, will be chaired by Edouard Bard, a geochemist and palaeoclimatologist holding the Climate and Ocean Evolution chair at the Collège de France

More information:



The L'Oréal Foundation, in partnership with the French National Commission for UNESCO and the French Academy of Sciences, is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2023 edition of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science’s France Young Talents Thesis Award
Every year, the L'Oréal Foundation present 35 endowments in France. The awards include:

  • a cash prize of €15,000 to each doctoral candidate,
  • a cash prize of €20,000 to each postdoc candidates.

Application: to be sent until 27 February 2023
More information:


The French Society for the History of Science and Technology (SFHST) presents annual awards to encourage and promote research in the history of science and technology
Application: Information not yet available at the time of publication

This award is presented for theses that promote an ecological, fair, and inclusive transition. A panel of researchers and stakeholders, chaired by economist Gaël Giraud, will select three winners
Prize: Three winners will be selected by the jury. A €5,000 award will be given to the best candidate selected by the jury, while the two remaining candidates will each receive a €1,000 cash prize
The theses should primarily focus on metropolitan and/or overseas France, but may also encompass a European dimension or complementary research in other countries, including those outside Europe, for comparative purposes
Application: Information not yet available at the time of publication
More information:

The Parliament of the Sea aims to promote research on seafront challenges and strengthen the connection between researchers, decision-makers, and the public. This is why they have decided to establish a thesis award, which will be presented for the first time in 2022.
The award, valued at €3,000 for the winner, is open to all fields including technical, humanities, and social sciences. The award is presented for a thesis recognising innovation and creativity in the development of solutions to face issues on the Hauts-de-France coastline.
To apply, you must be a doctor from one of the universities, grandes écoles, or public research establishments in Hauts-de-France or another French region.

The award schedule for 2023 is as follows:

  • 1 February 2023: Start of the call for application
  • 30 april 2023: Closing of the call for application
  • end of 2023 : Presentation of the award by the President of the Parliament of the Sea during the 2022 Conference on the Maritime Economy

To access the evaluation criteria, application process, and award presentation details, please download the 2023 thesis award rules in the link below.


This award is given for research executed by a student as part of a thesis in the field of polymers (including thermoplastics, thermosets, and composites) and related to materials (petroleum-based, bio-based, and recycled), processes, or applications.
This year's reference period for thesis submissions is from 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023.
The winner will receive a €2,000 cash prize and the occasion to present their work on 4 October at the SFIP-SIA Conference for Eco-Responsible Colors Materials and Finishes!
You can submit your application until 23 June 2023!

►► Call for Applications
►►Application Form


To learn more about this award: